In the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, headache, fever and other acute and chronic disorders, natural healing therapy for the internal and external wounds, known for antibiotic properties, powdered turmeric is known for healing body pains, reduces inflammation and itching caused by eczema when applied directly to the skin, it has strong anti-aging properties and the turmeric-based paste is used to beautifying and enrich skin complexion.
Let’s meet the golden member of Curcuma botanical group. 8 The turmeric plants were cultivated by Harappa civilization earlier in the 3000 B.C.
This herb has been used in Asia for thousands of years and forms a major part of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, Siddha medicine, and Unani.
There are different versions as to the origin of the name turmeric. Certain sources say the
name could be of Latin origin, terra merita (which means, meritorious earth).
Interesting Facts
It is basically a tropical plant of ginger family is the rhizome or underground stem, with a rough, segmented skin.
The name is derived from terra merita or simply turmeryte, which means ‘below the earth surface’.: ‘below the earth surface’
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