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Tee Tree Oil


Acne control, Hair care by diluting, Scar and spot treatment, Antibacterial properties, Ear infection treatment – tropical application, Insecticide (additional tips), Fungicide and Anti-viral properties

SKU: 567812 Categories: , , , Product ID: 576



Acne control, Hair care by diluting, Scar and spot treatment, Antibacterial properties, Ear infection treatment – tropical application, Insecticide (additional tips), Fungicide and Anti-viral properties


Tea Tree Oil first came to the attention of Western Society in 1732 when Captain James Cook made his famous trip around the world. When they landed in Australia, Captain Cook brewed a spicy and refreshing tea from the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree thus naming it the “Tea Tree.” It was used extensively until Penicillin was invented.

The scientific discovery of Tea Tree Oil was first made by Arthur Penfold in 1922. His studies determined that tea tree oil more powerful than Carbolic acid (phenol) for killing bacteria and fungi yet non-caustic the skin.

Interesting Facts

According to a study tea tree oil is as effective as benzoyl peroxide in treating acne. How cool right?

Tea tree oil is naturally anti-parasitic, meaning it can ward off pesks such as ticks, fleas, and lice, plus prevent them from growing, too

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