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Apricot Oil


From the best mountains up north, to you. A journey of a thousand miles is not just a quote
anymore! That’s why it’s limited edition.

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From the best mountains up north, to you. A journey of a thousand miles is not just a quote
anymore! That’s why it’s limited edition.

We bring the finest Apricot Oil that is cold pressed, from apricots that are legit grown on the home
lands of Gilgit-Baltistan, known for the best produce and outstanding quality, making sure we
embrace and benefit from country produce around the world. However it’s a limited edition because
of seasonal factor.


The apricot is indigenous to Armenia, the Himalayas, China and few other parts of Asia. It is believed to have first been cultivated before 3000 BC in India.

Used in Ayurveda due to its enormous therapeutic benefits for dry skin, hair loss, blemishes, symptoms of skin aging, and several internal health conditions.

Interesting Facts

The full fruit bearing potential of Apricot trees begins 2 to 6 years after planting, if they are grown in usual conditions with appropriate maintenance.

Being well suited to skin care products due to its mildness and fast rate of absorption.

Those with nut allergies who want to experience the healthful properties of oils such as Sweet Almond Carrier Oil, can benefit from substituting it with Apricot Kernel Oil.

Additional information


100 ml


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